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Lebanon : Technical Assistance Report on Putting Tax Policy Back on Track.
Year: 2023 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This Technical Assistance report identifies tax policy reform options to stop the drain on Lebanon’s tax revenue in the immediate and near terms and to move toward a more efficient, effective, and inclusive tax system in the medium term. Lebanon entered the economic crisis already with one of the world’s most skewed income and wealth distributions toward the affluent. Reversing the downward trend in tax revenue and improving the entire tax policy design are thus critical elements of the overall needed reforms for Lebanon to steer its way out of the crisis and modernize its economy. The analysis emphasizes the need for a holistic view of the tax system to guide reforms and balance the trade-offs, rather than a piecemeal approach with ad hoc uncoordinated measures—and for a strategic, sequenced approach to developing a rapid and powerful emergence from current difficulties. Excises are an efficient way to reduce pollution, generating marked environmental benefits and significant revenue, with a modest impact on prices. In line with international best practices, professionals should be taxed in the real profits’ regime and with the use of withholding taxes on payments to professionals for services.



Lebanon : 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Lebanon.
Year: 2023 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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The 2003 Article IV Consultation highlights that Lebanon has been facing an unprecedented sovereign-banking-currency crisis, which is ongoing for more than three years. Although the economy showed some signs of stabilization in 2022, it remains severely depressed. The stabilization was supported by the expiration of coronavirus disease measures, a rebound in tourism, strong remittances inflows, and a gradual improvement in terms of trade in the second half of the year. The economic outlook is highly uncertain and depends on the authorities’ policy actions. Decisive implementation of a comprehensive economic recovery plan could steadily reduce imbalances and provide a policy anchor that will help restore confidence and facilitate return to growth. The report suggests monetary policy and unification of the exchange rate. The unification of the official exchange rates for current account transactions is critical to restore credibility and external viability. This needs to be supported temporarily by capital and deposit withdrawal restrictions.



Reported Social Unrest Index: March 2022 Update
Year: 2022 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This paper updates the Reported Social Unrest Index of Barrett et al (2020), reviewing recent developments in social unrest worldwide since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It shows that unrest was elevated during late 2019, coincident with widespread protests in Latin America. Unrest then fell markedly during the early stages of the pandemic as voluntary and involuntary social distancing struck. Social unrest has since returned but generally remains below levels seen in 2019.



Staatszerfall und Entstehen einer Nation im Libanon.
ISBN: 3789019720 Year: 1990 Publisher: Baden-Baden Nomos

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Lebanon --- History

The formation of modern Lebanon.
ISBN: 0801495237 Year: 1985 Publisher: New York Cornell university press.

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Lebanon --- History

Beyrouth, une ville d'orient marquée par l'occident
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782351594520 Year: 1999 Publisher: Presses de l’Ifpo

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Translated from German by Éric Verdeil, this doctoral thesis by Helmut Ruppert was first published in 1969 ( Beirut, eine westlich geprägte Stadt des Orients , Erlanger Geographische Arbeiten, Heft 27, 1969). At that time, it was one of the first attempts at a comprehensive geographic study of the city of Beirut. In a style that is sometimes reminiscent of travelogues xix th century, the author emphasizes in his approach a field survey, a survey of streets and backyards of the Lebanese capital in the late 1960s, which he presents as a kind of borderline between Middle East and West. After focusing on the history of the city's urban development, Ruppert describes the Beirut neighbourhoods, of which he analyses with precision the social organization. The work also takes Beirut through the prism of economic geography by reflecting on the functional structuring of urban space. Finally, thanks to the many maps and photographs presented there, Beirut, a city of the East marked by the West, is not only a reference book for the researcher. It offers a precious and fascinating testimony for anyone wishing to discover or rediscover the already multiple face that was that of the Levantine metropolis before the civil war.

Der Libanon nach dem Bürgerkrieg : von Ta'if zum gesellschaftlichen Konsens?
ISBN: 3789034037 Year: 1994 Publisher: Baden-Baden Nomos

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Monthly bulletin
Year: 1994 Publisher: [Beirut, Lebanon?] : Banque du Liban, Dept. of Statistics and Economic Research,

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Le quartier de Sanayeh à Beyrouth : une exploration filmique
ISBN: 235159147X 2821815662 2351592719 Year: 2009 Publisher: Presses de l’Ifpo

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Conçu à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle, le pôle urbain de Sanayeh valorisait la modernité au sein de l'Empire ottoman. Construit sur des dunes de sable, il représentait un défi de l'homme sur la nature. Ce livre, accompagné d'une série de films, propose une vision du quartier des arts et métiers, Sanayeh, tel qu'il est vécu aujourd'hui. Bien que situé au cœur de Beyrouth, Sanayeh dévoile, derrière les immeubles modernes qui entourent désormais le jardin public, un espace plus traditionnel. Une...

Les quartiers irréguliers de Beyrouth : une histoire des enjeux fonciers et urbanistiques dans la banlieue sud
ISBN: 2351590686 2821815581 2351592662 Year: 2008 Publisher: Presses de l’Ifpo

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Quartiers "illégaux", "informels", "irréguliers" : les études sur l'urbanisme proche-oriental s'intéressent de plus en plus à ces lieux de la ville où l'habitat contrevient aux règles de la construction et de l'urbanisme. Ces désignations recouvrent en réalité une grande diversité dans les histoires et les enjeux socio-politiques présidant au développement de ces quartiers. Ce livre en étudie un exemple particulièrement révélateur. La banlieue sud-ouest de Beyrouth concentre la grande majorité des quartiers irréguliers du Liban : ceux-ci participent de la stigmatisation sociale de cette périphérie de la capitale, et les grands projets de reconstruction de l'après-guerre ont par ailleurs fait de l'irrégularité urbaine une question d'actualité. Les occupations de terrains pendant la guerre ou encore les extensions des camps de réfugiés sont liées à l'histoire récente du Liban. Mais en se plongeant dans l'histoire foncière des parcelles irrégulièrement construites et occupées, ce livre révèle que leur sort a également été marqué par des ambiguïtés juridiques remontant à l'époque ottomane ou au Mandat français. Cette profondeur historique remet en perspective le phénomène de l'irrégularité foncière. S'ajoutent des histoires particulières, celles de propriétaires plus ou moins bien placés pour protéger leur bien, qui montrent que les stratégies individuelles ou collectives sont souvent un facteur important pour expliquer la localisation et l'ampleur des irrégularités. Plan, réglementation, loi et norme sont des outils majeurs de l'urbanisme. lorsqu'il organise la ville. Aussi l'irrégularité, qu'elle soit définie en termes juridiques (illégalité) ou formels (désordre visible dans l'espace), fonctionne-t-elle comme un remarquable révélateur des tensions qui traversent l'aménagement urbain. Entretiens, enquêtes de terrain, travail sur des archives cartographiques et juridiques ou encore étude du cadastre mettent ici au jour les raisons qui rendent certains lieux...

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